Romans 10:1 “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved!” At the core of God’s message is the understanding that we must be “good” (righteous) to be “saved”. There is a Problem – Ignorance They did not understand Christ’s provision They did not understand the need for...
Sermon Category: Pastor Chandler Cutting
Give God the Glory
John 1:1-14 Every intervention of God into the lives of his creation has one sole purpose – to bring Glory to himself. For us to bring him glory we are to display, magnify and manifest his beauty and greatness through every part of our lives. This is why God created us. We exist for him!...
Fear Not
Luke 2:8-19 Fear is often a misunderstood emotion. Fear is a choice. Summary: Fear is a very real emotion and we have the ability and responsibility to respond properly to our fear Fear can be a negative, paralyzing and controlling component of our lives Fear also can be a beneficial, positive, and constructive component *...
What Does God Require of Me?
Isaiah 1:1-20, James 1:27 A frequent danger of mankind is the tendency that we have to become preoccupied with “doing” and we neglect “being”. As a result, we drift into mediocrity and complacency, this leads to tolerance and slothfulness, our hearts become hardened, our compassion becomes calloused and holiness becomes merely an outward expression. Ultimately:...
You Can’t Do It Alone
Colossians 4:7-18 The body of Christ is a worldwide network of Believers. Each one of is uniquely gifted and equipped to work together for the good of the whole. Ten ordinary people who made their mark: Tychicus: The Mail man Onesimus: The runaway slave returns Aristarchus: The Faithful companion Mark: The runaway missionary returns Jesus...
The New You: A Transformed Testimony
Colossians 4:2-6 When you put on the new man the testimony of your life will create opportunities to impact others with the Gospel as never before! Three commitments that we must make: Commitment #1: I Will Be Faithful in Prayer Four essential instructions regarding our prayer life: We must be Persistent in our Prayers We...
The New You: A Transformed View of Labor
Colossians 3:22-4:1 The Biblical View of Labor: Our Labor is a part of life Our Labor is a gift of God Our Labor produces satisfaction Our Labor supplies our needs Our labor communicates a message Our Labor is an obligation Our Labor creates opportunity to minister 3 Areas of Responsibility for Employees: #1: Submission #2:...
The New You: A Transformed View of Family
Col 3:20-21 1st Command – “Children Obey” Doing what you are told to do when you are told to do it with the right attitude. The Extent – “In Everything”: As parents we must teach our children to obey immediately and completely, without challenging or complaining. The Reason – “For this Pleases the Lord” 2nd Command...
The New You: A Transformed View of Marriage
Colossians 3:18-19 2 Foundational Questions that we must answer: Question #1: Why did God establish marriage? God designed Marriage for His Glory God designed marriage for our good God Designed marriage for Procreation God designed Marriage for Proclamation Question #2: Why did God give these two Commands? For Women: Submission is the Biblical Standard Five...
The New You: A Transformed View of Scripture
Col 3:16-17 Growing deeper in our relationship with Christ can only occur as we grow stronger through His Word. Three Commitments we must make: I. A Personal Commitment: We must Embrace God’s Word Understand the Command (v. 16): The Subject – The Word The Source – Of Christ The Command –Let the Word dwell in...