Sermon Category: Pastor Chandler Cutting

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Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

Psalm 107:1-3 One of the greatest tools we have when it comes to sharing the gospel with others is the story of what God has done in our lives. The challenge: “If you are redeemed – say so” Tell your story among believers Tell your story to your family Tell your story to the world...

The Faithful Shepherd

The Faithful Shepherd

Proverbs 3:1-6, 1 Timothy 4:12-16, 2 Timothy 2:1-7,15;4:1-2 We have been blessed as a church family with two things: Biblical instructions for the making of a faithful shepherd A real life practical example of how this works What does it take to be a faithful Pastor? 1st Being a faithful Pastor demands unwavering trust A...

Beautiful Feet

Beautiful Feet

Romans 10:13-17 As Paul unpacks the logical approach to the great commission he begins with the desired result and follows back through the process until he gets to our responsibility. Critical Components for Spreading the Gospel: The Commission: Every believer is commissioned to deliver the Good News The Communication:  We must be prepared to accurately...

What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel?

Romans 10:1 “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved!” At the core of God’s message is the understanding that we must be “good” (righteous) to be “saved”. There is a Problem – Ignorance They did not understand Christ’s provision They did not understand the need for...

Give God the Glory

Give God the Glory

John 1:1-14 Every intervention of God into the lives of his creation has one sole purpose – to bring Glory to himself. For us to bring him glory we are to display, magnify and manifest his beauty and greatness through every part of our lives. This is why God created us. We exist for him!...

Fear Not

Fear Not

Luke 2:8-19 Fear is often a misunderstood emotion. Fear is a choice. Summary: Fear is a very real emotion and we have the ability and responsibility to respond properly to our fear Fear can be a negative, paralyzing and controlling component of our lives Fear also can be a beneficial, positive, and constructive component *...

What Does God Require of Me?

What Does God Require of Me?

Isaiah 1:1-20, James 1:27 A frequent danger of mankind is the tendency that we have to become preoccupied with “doing” and we neglect “being”. As a result, we drift into mediocrity and complacency, this leads to tolerance and slothfulness, our hearts become hardened, our compassion becomes calloused and holiness becomes merely an outward expression. Ultimately:...

You Can’t Do It Alone

You Can’t Do It Alone

Colossians 4:7-18 The body of Christ is a worldwide network of Believers. Each one of is uniquely gifted and equipped to work together for the good of the whole. Ten ordinary people who made their mark: Tychicus: The Mail man Onesimus: The runaway slave returns Aristarchus: The Faithful companion Mark: The runaway missionary returns Jesus...