Sermon Category: Pastor Chandler Cutting

Home / Pastor Chandler Cutting
The Mystery of the Gospel

The Mystery of the Gospel

1 Thessalonians 1:4-7 * The biblical teaching on Salvation is simple, but not simplistic. * The Gospel is easily understood, yet mysteriously beyond comprehension. * Over and over again the Gospel is referred to as a “mystery” Salvation always begins with God. (Two Reminders) Salvation Originates from God’s Love Salvation Culminates with God’s Sovereignty Five...

Making Praise a Priority

Making Praise a Priority

Acts 17:1-9 & 1 Thess. 1:1-3 Affirmation and encouragement are two very powerful motivators. At the core of affirmation is gratitude. Paul has three primary purposes for his letter: To encourage To challenge To clarify The Greeting: “Grace” – The typical Greek greeting “Peace” – The typical Hebrew greeting Following this greeting Paul immediately expresses...