Where Do We Go from Here?

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November 17, 2019

Where Do We Go from Here?

Where Do We Go from Here?

Acts 16:6-12

One of the greatest challenges for any Christian is to discern the specific direction that their life and ministry should take

For Paul to discern God’s direction he needed three things:

  1. The People of God’s Choosing
  2. A Passion for God’s Mission
  3. The Place of God’s Calling

How do we discern the direction that God wants our life to take?

Proverbs 3:1-9

1. Keep it in context

  • Know God’s Word
  • Obey God’s Word
  • Know that this is for your good and God’s Glory

2. Embrace the instructions

  • Trust Totally – with all your heart
  • Submit completely – in all your ways…
  • Follow fearlessly – he will direct your ways

3. Apply the Principles

  • Abandon human wisdom
  • Flee evil
  • Be spiritually restored
  • Honor the Lord with all you have
  • Enjoy the blessings

The example of Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke –

  1. 1st They already knew they were to be witnesses & make disciples
  2. 2nd They already knew that they were to go on a missionary journey
  3. 3rd They did not know which direction to go next – But God did
  4. 4th They went the direction that God led them

We must make WISE choices:

  • W – Word of God
  • I – Investigate the options
  • S – Seek godly counsel
  • E – Examine the consequences