What Does God Require of Me?

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December 9, 2018

What Does God Require of Me?

What Does God Require of Me?

Isaiah 1:1-20, James 1:27

A frequent danger of mankind is the tendency that we have to become preoccupied with “doing” and we neglect “being”.

As a result, we drift into mediocrity and complacency, this leads to tolerance and slothfulness, our hearts become hardened, our compassion becomes calloused and holiness becomes merely an outward expression.

Ultimately: We end up playing church.

According to James true religion is reflected in 2 ways:

  1. True religion is evidenced by helping the helpless
  2. True religion is evidenced by remaining undefiled by the world

Isaiah identifies 3 things one must do to break this cycle in our lives:

1st: Look at your present condition

  • A. We must remember our roots
  • B. We must acknowledge our condition
  • C. We must diagnose our disease
  • D. We must admit our desolation

2nd: Listen to the Word of the Lord

God’s message:

  • Your Religious acts are worthless!
  • I don’t need them, I don’t want them, I don’t delight in them

3rd: Learn to Make the Appropriate Changes

We must look to the remedy: “be not a hearer only but be a doer…”

The Lesson: Help the helpless and remain undefiled by the world!

Why is this the ultimate result?

  • it addresses injustice
  • it offers help and hope to the helpless and hopeless
  • it meets very real needs in very practical ways. There is something much bigger, grander, greater that is going on:
  • it reflects the heart of God!

Our righteous living and care for the orphans and widows is a beautiful picture of the gospel to the world.