What are We Known For?

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May 26, 2019

What are We Known For?

What are We Known For?

Acts 2:41-47

Every church becomes known by the commitments that they embrace, the attitudes they possess and the impact they make!

Commitments we must continually renew:

  1. A commitment to know and obey Biblical truth
  2. A commitment to know and love each other
  3. A commitment to know and identify with Christ
  4. A commitment to know and commune with God

Attitudes we must constantly embrace:

  1. An attitude of Reverence and Awe
  2. An attitude of Expectancy and Anticipation
  3. An attitude of Love and Devotion
  4. An attitude of Unselfishness and Generosity

The Impact we must seek to accomplish:

The early Church enjoyed 4 levels of Impact:

1. Personal Impact:

  • Their physical needs were met
  • Their relational needs were met
  • Their spiritual needs were met

2. Corporate Impact: There was great unity

  • There was sincere worship
  • There was genuine fellowship

3. Community Impact: They had favor with all the people

4. Kingdom Impact: Souls were added to the church daily

What kind of impact is LVBC making?