Acts 2:41-47
Every church becomes known by the commitments that they embrace, the attitudes they possess and the impact they make!
Commitments we must continually renew:
- A commitment to know and obey Biblical truth
- A commitment to know and love each other
- A commitment to know and identify with Christ
- A commitment to know and commune with God
Attitudes we must constantly embrace:
- An attitude of Reverence and Awe
- An attitude of Expectancy and Anticipation
- An attitude of Love and Devotion
- An attitude of Unselfishness and Generosity
The Impact we must seek to accomplish:
The early Church enjoyed 4 levels of Impact:
1. Personal Impact:
- Their physical needs were met
- Their relational needs were met
- Their spiritual needs were met
2. Corporate Impact: There was great unity
- There was sincere worship
- There was genuine fellowship