Warning: Beware of the Wolves and the Worms

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January 12, 2020

Warning: Beware of the Wolves and the Worms

Warning: Beware of the Wolves and the Worms

Acts 20:17-32

On his return to Jerusalem Paul sent word to the elders in Ephesus and had them meet him at the coast.

When they came, Paul spoke to them about four things:

I. He reminded them about the kind of Minister he was

Paul’s credibility had been attacked by many

Paul reminded them:

  1. A. You have watched my ministry
  2. B. You know my sincerity

II. He reminded them of the Message that he preached

He reminded them of:

A. His Methods

– He preached the whole counsel of the Word

– He preached in public and taught in private

B. His Message

– Repentance toward God and Faith in our Lord Jesus

III. He reminded them of the Mission he was on

  • His Destination: Jerusalem
  • His Expectation: There will be chains and tribulations
  • His Resolution: My life is expendable
  • His Goal: I will finish well with joy and faithfulness
  • His Farewell: I have been faithful

IV. He Reminded them of the Mandate given to them

“Shepherd the Flock of God”

Paul’s Mandate to the Elders was clear: (Five Parts)

  1. The Inspection: Examine yourself
  2. The Appointment: The Holy Spirit has called you
  3. The Instruction: Shepherd the Church
  4. The Investment: The church was purchased by the blood of Christ
  5. The Warning: There will be Predators and Parasites


  1. You have been warned
  2. You have been commissioned
  3. You have been commended