Unique Encounters: Part 2

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December 8, 2019

Unique Encounters: Part 2

Unique Encounters: Part 2

Acts 16:19-40

In Philippi Paul has four unique encounters. (from last week)

#1. Lydia: A Sincere Disciple

#2. The Slave girl: A Distracting Deceiver

#3 The Magistrates: Persecution from the Outside (Part 1)

The Accusations:

  1. These men are Jews
  2. These men are disturbing the city
  3. These men are advocating unlawful customs

Their Treatment:

  1. The crowds attacked
  2. The magistrates stripped off their garments and beat them
  3. They were thrown into prison
  • Paul and Silas’ Response: Persecution is an opportunity for praise!
  • Divine Intervention: A great earthquake
  • A lesson: God is able to intervene and transform any situation

#4 The Jailer: Conversion through a Crisis

God used a crisis to bring the jailer to himself

  • The Crisis event: An earthquake and the shackles fell off
  • An Irrational Reaction: He drew his sword to take his own life
  • The Intervention: Paul shouts at him to stop
  • The Investigation: He investigated the jail
  • He asked the question: “What must I do to be saved?”
  • The Invitation: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ

Two critical truths must be embraced

  1. Believe in who Jesus is
  2. Believe in what Jesus has done

Evidences of Conversion

  • He washed their wounds
  •  He was baptized at once and all his household
  • They fellowshipped together over food
  • They rejoiced together in their new faith

#3 The Magistrates: Persecution from the Outside (Part 2)

Paul demands justice. What should we learn?

  1. Everyone will face a crisis – We must be prepared to share Christ in the midst of their crisis
  2. Do not fear persecution: Persecution sets the stage for God to demonstrate his power