October 14, 2018

The New You: A Transformed View of Righteousness

The New You: A Transformed View of Righteousness

Colossians 3:12-15

The Christian life is to be understood as a relationship that motivates us to pursue righteous living.

Foundational Facts about our Relationship with Christ.

  1. We have been Chosen by God
  2. We have been Set Apart for His Use
  3. We are the Object of His Love

The Command: Put on the Believer’s Wardrobe

I. Personal Qualities:

  1. Compassionate Hearts: to feel from the inner most depths
  2. Kindness: moral excellence will impact our demeanor
  3. Humility: accurate understanding of self.
  4. Meekness: prevailing tenderness

II. Relational Qualities:

  1. Patience: patient endurance of differences
  2. Bearing with one another: to love in spite of agitation
  3. Forgiving One another: Forgive as Christ forgave you

III. Motivational Qualities:

  1. Love: a commitment to place the needs of others above your own
  2. Peace: peace is not the absence of conflict – rather it  is the presence of Love
  3. Thankfulness: Peace and love are manifested through grateful hearts.

Examine yourself: Are you more like the old man or the new man?