The New You: A Transformed View of Family

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November 12, 2018

The New You: A Transformed View of Family

The New You: A Transformed View of Family

Col 3:20-21

1st Command – “Children Obey”

  • Doing what you are told to do when you are told to do it with the right attitude.
  • The Extent – “In Everything”: As parents we must teach our children to obey immediately and completely, without challenging or complaining.
  • The Reason – “For this Pleases the Lord”

2nd Command – “Fathers, do not to provoke your children”

WARNINGS: Actions that Embitter

ADMONITIONS: Instructions to encourage

  1. Beware of Selfishness: Be Christ-centered
  2. Beware of Extremes: Be Involved
  3. Beware of Inconsistency: Be Consistent
  4. Beware of Favoritism: Be Fair
  5. Beware of Unrealistic Goals: Be Reasonable
  6. Beware of Neglect: Be Involved
  7. Beware of Discouragement: Be Encouraging

“You cannot give what you do not have!”