More Than a Miracle

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June 2, 2019

More Than a Miracle

More Than a Miracle

Acts 3:1-11

Peter and John had walked by this lame man dozens of times but this day was different.

There was an Intentional Interaction: The lame man held out his cup – Peter held out his hand

Three Levels of impact this encounter produced:

  1. There was a physical impact
  2. There was a spiritual impact
  3. There was an eternal impact

The Mystery of Miracles:

God’s plans and purposes always extend beyond the miracle.

Some observations about this miracle:

  1. It was unexpected
  2. It was done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
  3. It was instantaneous or immediate
  4. It was complete
  5. It was undisputable
  6. It authenticated the apostles as messengers of God

Why don’t we see God working through these kinds of miracles today?

  1. Authentic miracles are always of God’s choosing, by God’s power and for God’s glory.
  2. Miracles in the New Testament were a primary means of authenticating the credibility of the messengers
  3. God’s apparent purpose for the gift of healing has been fulfilled

Lessons we must Learn:

  1. Learn to see the person behind the need
  2. Learn to discern the true need from the perceived need
  3. Learn to use the resources God has given to you
  4. Learn to give the glory to Christ
  5. Learn to expect that God’s plan is greater than you imagined