Give God the Glory

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December 23, 2018

Give God the Glory

Give God the Glory

John 1:1-14

  1. Every intervention of God into the lives of his creation has one sole purpose – to bring Glory to himself.
  2. For us to bring him glory we are to display, magnify and manifest his beauty and greatness through every part of our lives.
  3. This is why God created us. We exist for him!
  4. Christmas is not about us, it is about declaring God’s beauty and greatness.

Three reasons why The Word became flesh:

  1. The Word became flesh so that we might see His Glory
  2. The Word Became flesh so that we might embrace His Glory
  3. The Word became flesh so that we might reflect His Glory


  1. God has given us a glimpse of his Glory so that we might believe in and receive his son Jesus Christ.
  2. In Jesus’ words; “You are the light of the world”.

It is God’s plan for His glory to be multiplied in you and for you to reflect it to the world you live in.