Finish Strong

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January 26, 2020

Finish Strong

Finish Strong

Acts 21-28

An Overview of Paul’s Final Days

  1. Elder’s request that Paul goes through purification
  2. An uproar in the Temple
  3. Paul was rescued by Roman soldiers
  4. Paul addresses the crowd
  5. Paul makes a claim of citizenship
  6. On trial before the Jewish council
  7. The conspiracy to kill Paul
  8. On trial before Felix the Governor
  9. On trial before Festus the Governor
  10. On trial before Agrippa the King
  11. The verdict: Not guilty – To Caesar you go
  12. Journey to Rome: shipwrecked
  13. Three months in Malta
  14. Arrival in Rome: House arrest
  15. Two years preaching in Rome

Paul’s Highest Goal: A Rich Welcome

Essential components needed to attain this goal:

  1. A total sacrifice of self
  2. A quest for a greater knowledge of Christ
  3. An understanding of substitution
  4. A complete transformation of life
  5. An understanding of process
  • What about you?
  • What kind of welcome will you receive?