Fear Not

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December 16, 2018

Fear Not

Fear Not

Luke 2:8-19

  • Fear is often a misunderstood emotion.
  • Fear is a choice.


  1. Fear is a very real emotion and we have the ability and responsibility to respond properly to our fear
  2. Fear can be a negative, paralyzing and controlling component of our lives
  3. Fear also can be a beneficial, positive, and constructive component

* To understand fear in the Scriptures; “Context is King”

Three Times: Fear is evident at the appearance of an angel

  1. Luke 1:8-15 An Angel appears to Zechariah
  2. Luke 1:26-33 An angel appears to announce Mary’s pregnancy
  3. Luke 2:8-14 An angel appeared to the shepherds

Lesson – We should be overwhelmed with AWE AND WONDER.

Three Times: Fear is evident because of circumstances

  1. Luke 1:57-66 – The birth of John the Baptist
    Lesson: When it is obvious that God is at work in the life of one of his people fear will grip those who see it.
  2. Matt 1:18-21 – Joseph was told, “do not fear to take Mary as your wife…”
    Lesson: When we allow fear to extinguish faith we will miss the joy, hope and blessing that God has in store for us.
  3. Matt 2:19-22 – Joseph was afraid to return to Judea
    Lesson – There are times when fear can assist our discernment.

One Time: Fear is a desirable response to God

Luke 1:46-55 – Mary’s Song “His mercy is for those who fear Him”
Lesson – “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” however, if we remain in fear, that fear has the potential to cripple our faith.