Developing Spiritual Confidence

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March 3, 2019

Developing Spiritual Confidence

Developing Spiritual Confidence

1 Kings 17:8-24

God does not call his servants to perform a task, a mission or a ministry without first preparing them.


I. Test of Obedience

Sometimes when God wants to use us He needs to move us out of our comfort zone
– How’s your obedience?
– Are you willing to obey regardless of the risk?

II. Test of Humility

Many times God uses humbling tasks to prepare us for higher, greater tasks.
– How’s your humility?
– Have you truly learned to rely on God’s provision?

III. Test of Faith

If you cannot trust God for your basic needs, you will not be equipped to trust for greater challenges you may face.
– How’s your faith?

IV. Test of Crisis

Every crisis results in one of 2 responses:
– We can either pout or pray
– How do you respond to the crisis’ of your life?

The immediate circumstance of a crisis is important to God however, there is a greater purpose, a greater plan!