Courageous Prayer

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September 29, 2019

Courageous Prayer

Courageous Prayer

Acts 12

  • What is the boldest, most courageous, greatest request you have made of God in the past month?
  • Do you ask great things of God?
  • Do you expect great things from God?

The invitation to ask is conditional:

  1. You must ask in Faith
  2. What you ask must be for the glory of God
  3. You must ask in Jesus’ name
  4. You must abide in Christ and His Word must abide in you

Acts 12 gives a glimpse of the struggle that ensued as the church grew and also helps us understand the spiritual battles that we face as well.

I. The crisis motivated prayer

  • Our prayers are often driven by the circumstances of life
  • 2 assumed requests: Release of Peter and Removal of Herod

II. Prayer brought deliverance

The church was praying and God was working

III. Deliverance was met with doubt

How often do we ask God for great things only to doubt His ability to deliver?

IV. Doubt was turned to delight

They thought for sure that Peter would meet the same fate as James, but God answered their prayers and delivered him

V. Delight demanded declaration

One of the best ways to revitalize the prayer life of the church is to demonstrate through our testimonies that God answers prayer!

We must ask great things of God and expect great things from God!