Building a Vibrant Church

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September 22, 2019

Building a Vibrant Church

Building a Vibrant Church

Acts 11:19-30

Antioch was perhaps the most effective church in the NT!

Four Stages of a Vibrant Church

Stage I. Birth

Antioch’s birth had 4 contributing factors:

  1. Evangelists were scattered
  2. The Gospel was clearly proclaimed
  3. God’s Hand was upon them
  4. People were saved and lives were changed

Stage II. Establishment

The church in Antioch became well established because:

  1. The right leader was appointed
  2. God’s grace was given
  3. The right purpose was established
  4. More people were getting Saved

Stage III. Growth

The church experienced steady growth because:

  1. Leadership was expanded
  2. Community was established
  3. Discipleship was emphasized
  4. Their reputation was enhanced

Stage IV. Ministry

There was clear evidence of effective ministry:

  1. They were committed to giving
  2. They were committed to serving
  3. They were committed to praying
  4. They were committed to sending