September 2, 2018

Being Religious is Not the Answer

Being Religious is Not the Answer

Colossians 2:20-23

Religion is primarily an attempt by man to reach up to God.

Three key conclusions about man’s Religious pursuits:

I. Our relationship with God must be built on Christ’s death and not man’s religion.

When we place our faith in the death of Christ alone for our salvation four amazing things happen: (Romans 6:1-14)

  1. Our standing before God changes – New position
  2. Our old ways are put to death – New understanding
  3. Our attitude toward sin changes – New attitude
  4. Our behavior is transformed – New life

II. Man’s Religion produces temporary satisfaction and not Eternal rewards.

Three Principles to Apply:

  1. 1. The Principle of faith (Romans 14:22-23)
    Can I engage in this activity in good conscience knowing that Christ is pleased with me?
  2. The Principle of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7-8)
    Will this decision cause me to become more like Christ?
  3. The principle of love (Galatians 5:13-14)
    Will my behavior build up the body of Christ?

III. Man’s religion produces outward conformity and not internal transformation

Notice Paul’s description of man-made religion:

  1. It appears to be wise
  2. It portrays false humility
  3. It demonstrates self-denial

The Result: There is no victory over fleshly indulgence because it does not address the needs of the heart.