Roy & Bev Shirk
Email: elders@lvbiblechurch.org
My name is Roy Shirk and I’ve been attending LVBC since 1979. In 1978 my father suddenly passed away from a massive heart attack when I was 16 years old. My life turned upside down at that time, and I began to search and wonder what was the real meaning of life. I had grown up hearing about Christ, but it wasn’t until the fall of 1979 that the Lord opened my eyes and heart and gave me purpose to live.
I was at a Christian concert and the musician shared about Christ’s love and forgiveness and how we can know for sure that we will spend eternity with Christ in Heaven. I went forward that night and confirmed the free gift of salvation in my heart and totally surrendered my life to the Lord.
In 1982 I married a lovely young lady named Beverly, and she has been a great support and encouragement to me. She continues to love me unconditionally since we got married. We have been blessed with 3 children that are now all married. Another special blessing is our 3 grandchildren.
One of my favorite Bible verses is Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things that thou knowest not.” The Lord has been so good to me and my family. Time after time He extends His mercy and grace to me, and I’m so undeserving. Our Lord is a gracious and loving father and loves us unconditionally. Our desire as a couple is for God to use us to minister to young families by encouraging them and sharing with them about God’s faithfulness. We are so blessed and we count it a real joy to minister to the people here at LVBC.
In His service,
Roy Shirk