LVBC History

In 1932, the predecessor to Lebanon Valley Bible Church, the Union Gospel Tabernacle was dedicated by the Rev. Samuel H. Waltz. Converted from a barn, the building served until 1943 when an annex, consisting of a Sunday School room and furnace room, were added.
Pastors who served in the first 30 years in addition to Rev. Waltz were Rev. Harry Suskey, Rev, J. H. D. Good, Rev. Claude Mengle, and Rev. Charles Lenker.
On February 18, 1962, the board of the Union Gospel Tabernacle met jointly with the elder board of the Jonestown Bible Church to seek counsel and assistance in establishing an organized Bible Church in Campbelltown. As a result of this meeting, Brother Harold Bates, an elder of the Jonestown Bible Church, was asked to serve as pastor of the Campbelltown Church, a position he filled until August 1965. During this period, the congregation adopted a church constitution and prepared to change the name from the Union Gospel Tabernacle to the Campbelltown Bible Church, which became official March 28, 1966.
In November 1965, a call was extended to the Rev. James Ober to assume the pastorate. He was installed as Pastor in a special service January 6, 1966. The Lord blessed the work and attendance steadily increased. Various measures were taken to deal with the lack of space, including the use of the Campbelltown Fire Hall for three years, a major renovation to the building, an addition to the facilities in 1969, and even holding multiple services to accommodate the members. Still finding a need for space, the church purchased and refurbished a mobile home for Sunday School classes, and finally began using the Campbelltown Municipal Building for several classes.
Realizing that the Campbelltown location would not be adequate, on May 16, 1973, the board recommended and the congregation approved the purchase of ten acres of land three miles east of Campbelltown on Route 322. On June 19, 1974 the congregation approved the building of the parsonage on the new tract of land. Then on March 17, 1976 the congregation approved the construction of the present facilities, dedicating them on March 27, 1977.
Again experiencing the need for more space, an administration wing was added in 1989. This provided much needed nursery space, staff offices, and more Sunday School space. In 2004 we added a Family Life Center to better meet the needs of our growing families.
In August 2005, after forty years of ministry, Pastor Ober retired. As the church experienced transition and change, the pulpit was faithfully filled by interim pastors until the congregation called David W. Cunningham to serve as Senior Pastor. On September 1, 2009 Pastor Cunningham began his ministry at Lebanon Valley and served for two years.
In February 2013, the church extended an invitation to Pastor Chandler Cutting to fill the role of Senior Pastor. Pastor Chan and his wife Jody have already shown their passion and heart for serving the Lord.
We are excited about what God has in store for the future of the Lebanon Valley Bible Church.
To God Be the Glory!