
Print Library
Our mission is to provide good Christian literature, both fiction and non-fiction, for all age groups. There are currently over 4300 books in the library at LVBC (approximately 1500 fiction, 1400 non-fiction). The remaining inventory of books is made up of children and teen selections.
Many of the books found in the library have been donated by people in the church who have a love for reading. Books are also bought from money designated for the library as well as from a program called “Save-a-Tape” through Redner’s Warehouse Market.
Video Library
The goal of the video library is to provide entertainment and educational resources for our church family that align with God’s Word. In our lending library, we offer a wide variety of children’s videos as well as over 120 family movies. We currently have videos in DVD format. Videos can be signed out by adults for one week intervals.
The door to the print and video library is always open!
For more information, please contact: Lois Marshall