Making Praise a Priority

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February 23, 2020

Making Praise a Priority

Making Praise a Priority

Acts 17:1-9 & 1 Thess. 1:1-3

Affirmation and encouragement are two very powerful motivators.

At the core of affirmation is gratitude.

Paul has three primary purposes for his letter:

  1. To encourage
  2. To challenge
  3. To clarify

The Greeting:

“Grace” – The typical Greek greeting

“Peace” – The typical Hebrew greeting

Following this greeting Paul immediately expresses words of encouragement and praise.

Principles for keeping praise in proper perspective:

  1. Praise is to be directed toward God
  2. Praise is to be expressed as thanks
  3. Praise is to be engaged in continually

Three praiseworthy characteristics of the Thessalonians:

  1. Their faith that produced repentance
  2. Their love that produced a servant’s heart
  3. Their hope that produced patient endurance

When you think of our church, what comes to your mind as praiseworthy? What things are you thankful for?

  1. Give thanks for the faith that is evident
  2. Give thanks for the love that is expressed
  3. Give thanks for the hope that is embraced