When God Moves

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January 5, 2020

When God Moves

When God Moves

Acts 19:1-20

Paul concludes the second journey, returns to Antioch to give a report, and then sets out on the third missionary journey.

  • He revisits the churches and strengthens the saints
  • Then he returns to Ephesus and God accomplishes great things!

When God moves great things happen!

There were several factors that accompanied God’s visit upon Ephesus.

When God Moves there will be:

  1. Greater Understanding
  2. Greater Obedience
  3. Greater Proclamation
  4. Greater Discipleship
  5. Greater Power
  6. Greater Counterfeits
  7. Greater Fear
  8. Greater Repentance
  9. Greater Growth

If we truly want to see God move, there are a few things that we must give ourselves wholly to:

  • Greater Knowledge
  • Greater Obedience
  • Greater Reverence
  • Greater Repentance
  • Greater Faith