
Home / “Why?”
September 8, 2019



Acts 9:32-43

Life is filled with unanswered questions. Perhaps, the one most often asked is; why?

Two Situations which may have caused many to ask the question; “Why?”

  • 1st Situation: Aeneas was paralyzed and bedridden for the past eight years
  • 2nd Situation: Tabitha, a beloved disciple who suddenly became ill and died

Ten Potential answers to the “Why?” Question:

  1. Suffering comes with the freedom to choose
  2. Pain warns us of potential danger
  3. Suffering reveals and refines what is in our hearts
  4. Pain and suffering causes us to realize the reality of eternity
  5. Pain and suffering loosens our grip on this life.
  6. Suffering gives opportunity to trust more fully in God
  7. Our suffering serves to remind us of the suffering which Christ endured on our behalf.
  8. Our suffering is an opportunity for the display of God’s grace to the world
  9. Suffering can be used by God to draw us together as believers
  10. God allows suffering so that He can display His divine power