The Transformation of a Terrorist

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August 26, 2019

The Transformation of a Terrorist

The Transformation of a Terrorist

Acts 9:1-25

Saul of Tarsus was a Jewish terrorist doing whatever he could to destroy the growth and expansion of the Christian church but God had a different plan for his life.

  • Never under estimate the ability that God’s grace has to reach those we might think are unreachable.
  • Never discount your own personal testimony as something that is boring or uneventful
  • Never assume that God cannot or will not use you to accomplish great things for him.
  • The same grace that saves a repentant child is the grace that saves a habitual liar, thief, adulterer, terrorist.

An Outline of Saul’s Story:

  1. Saul’s Reign of Terror
  2. Blinded by the Light
  3. Submission to the Savior
  4. An Obedient Advocate
  5. Saved to Serve
  6. The Terrorizing of the Terrorist

Remember we are transformed by the same grace that that transformed Saul.