Seekers and Speakers

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August 11, 2019

Seekers and Speakers

Seekers and Speakers

Acts 8:26-40

God is orchestrating a divine plan to distribute the Gospel to the world. In this plan He is preparing the hearts and lives of seekers to receive the Gospel and at the same time He is appointing and sending speakers to proclaim His Word.

Consider the steps in the process that God used to bring Philip and the Ethiopian together.

It involved:

I.  A Different Assignment

II.  A Disappointing Pilgrimage

III.  A Divine Appointment

How to recognize the leading of God:

  1. Understand God’s desire
  2. Make yourself available
  3. Look for opportunities
  4. Engage with a purpose

IV.  A Direct Question

V.  A Declaration of Faith

VI.  A Distribution of the Gospel

Are you a speaker or a seeker?