Not for Sale

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August 4, 2019

Not for Sale

Not for Sale

Acts 8:9-25

One of the most fearful realities in all of Scripture is that some think that they are saved but will be eternally lost.

Three Questions to ask about Simon’s Profession of faith:

1. What was Simon’s perception of himself?

Simon’s view of himself involved three common pitfalls.

  1. Self-Promotion
  2. Self-Righteousness
  3. Self-Sufficiency

In contrast we must understand that we are:

  1. Totally Lost
  2. Totally Depraved
  3. Totally Helpless

2. What was Simon’s perception of salvation?

Simon saw salvation as an external matter of ritualism

True salvation includes:

  1. Genuine Faith
  2. Sincere Confession
  3. Fruit of Righteousness

3. What was Simon’s perception of the Holy Spirit?

  1. Simon saw the Holy Spirit as a commodity to be bought and sold
  2. He saw the Holy spirit’s power as something that is subject to man’s control.

The Holy Spirit has specific roles:

  1. He regenerates, indwells, baptizes, seals
  2. He fills
  3. He teaches
  4. He comforts
  5. He convicts
  6. He gives gifts for ministry
  7. He guides
  8. He prays