Ready or Not, Here He Comes

Home / Ready or Not, Here He Comes
April 14, 2019

Ready or Not, Here He Comes

Ready or Not, Here He Comes

Matthew 21:1-11

On His journey Jesus taught amazing things about the purpose for his trip to Jerusalem
Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem was a journey of:

  1. Destiny: His destiny was the Cross
  2. Devotion: To follow Jesus will cost you your life
  3. Division: Some believed – others opposed
  4. Deliverance: The ultimate purpose was to deliver us from the kingdom of darkness

Fast Forward – Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem caused quite a stir, His next arrival will do the same

There are certain very clear symptoms that should warn us that the Rapture is fast approaching:

  1. Don’t be alarmed
  2. Don’t be deceived

Signs of the time that shout – “you better get ready”

  1. A Departure from Truth
  2. Disobedience and Lawlessness
  3. Denial (3 Major concerns permeating the church)
    – A. The Denial of Biblical Authority
    – B. The Denial of the Deity of Christ
    – C. The Denial of the Depravity of Man
  4. A Growing Level of Deception

Our Responsibility:

“Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing”

  • Guard the Deposit
  • Avoid worthless chatter