Finishing Strong

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April 7, 2019

Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong

2 Kings 2:6-12

Far too many of God’s servants take early retirement before God is finished with them.
Elijah gives us a wonderful example of a finishing strong

Three Key Characteristics stand out:

I. Resilience

Resilience is the ability to overcome trials and rebound to a former or even a greater level of effectiveness.

Two Examples:

  1. The Situation of Naboth’s vineyard
  2. The Situation of Ahaziah’s Accident

II. Reflection

Elijah took an interesting journey: He stopped at Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, Jordon

  1. Finishing well requires transferring of faith to the younger and the less experienced
  2. Discipleship occurs through resilience and reflection

III. Reward

Elijah’s departure was not a desperate escape but a delightful reward.

  1. Elijah approached the Jordon and the waters parted
  2. Elisha requested a double portion
  3. Elijah went up buy a whirlwind into heaven

Our Responsibility

  1. We must serve faithfully till he comes
  2. We must maintain a proper perspective
  3. We must finish Strong