You Can’t Do It Alone

Home / You Can’t Do It Alone
December 2, 2018

You Can’t Do It Alone

You Can’t Do It Alone

Colossians 4:7-18

The body of Christ is a worldwide network of Believers. Each one of is uniquely gifted and equipped to work together for the good of the whole.

Ten ordinary people who made their mark:

  1. Tychicus: The Mail man
  2. Onesimus: The runaway slave returns
  3. Aristarchus: The Faithful companion
  4. Mark: The runaway missionary returns
  5. Jesus – Justus: The proven encourager
  6. Epaphras: The intercessor
  7. Luke: The missionary doctor
  8. Demas: The distracted disciple
  9. Nymphas: The House church Hostess
  10. Archippus: The Laboring Leader

Three Essential Character Qualities:

  1. Faithfulness
  2. Diligence
  3. Concern

Concluding Remarks:

  1. Share the Word:
  2. Embrace your ministry:
  3. Pay the Price: