The New You A Transformed View of Sin (Part Two)

Home / The New You A Transformed View of Sin (Part Two)
October 7, 2018

The New You A Transformed View of Sin (Part Two)

The New You A Transformed View of Sin (Part Two)

Colossians 3:8-11

“But now you must put them all away…”

Understand the Command: (3 Details)

  • A command of action “Put them all away”
  • A command of urgency “Now”
  • A command of responsibility “You”

Six Social Sins to Slay:

  1. Anger –inner bitter resentment
  2. Wrath – sudden violent outburst
  3. Malice – a pattern of moral evil
  4. blasphemy/Slander – to speak evil of another
  5. filthy language – vile communication
  6. lying – distorting the truth for personal gain

Three Keys to Overcoming these Social Sins:

  • 1st Be renewed in Knowledge
  • 2nd Pursue Christlike character and behavior
  • 3rd Maintain proper perspective

Do not pursue the way of the:

  • Greek – Philosophy
  • Jew – Legalism
  • Barbarian – Personal experience:
  • Scythian – Man’s justice

The Answer is only found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!